Sunday, November 24, 2013

How Does That Happen?

Many of you may know that I found out that I'll be entering the MTC on January 1, 2014.
Yet I still haven't received my call yet. Now how does that even happen? I'm going to tell you how my Friday was.
I started work at 9:30, we aren't suppose to have our cell phones with us on the sales floor. Although since I've been waiting for a text from my Bishop telling my call has been assigned I've kept my phone on me. Well my phone had gone off a couple times so when I stepped in the back room I checked to see who had called me. Two missed calls and a voice message, which was my stake President. Telling me he has a very important question to ask me, and if I could call him back as soon as I could. I instantly became nervous and wanted to throw up. Of course I call him right back, I actually didn't finish listening to the voice measage!
We exchange hellos and how we were doing.
Then he says, " I received a phone call from the mission department, (for me this usually isn't a could thing right? Bad past experience!) Your availability date you put was January 10. The mission you've been assigned you can either go in January 1 or wait till the end of March. He asks me why my date was January 10 so we talked about it. I'm starting to cry because my call has been assigned!! Haha. My Stake President continues on saying the mission department really wants me to go on the 1st.
So I take a couple deep breaths, rushing thoughts about everything! Should I call my mom and ask her? But I think to myself, Aubrey you've waited a very long time for this. If the Lord needs you to go into the MTC on January 1st you shouldn't hesitate to say yes.
The next words I say are "okay, tell them January 1st is fine."
My call will be mailed on Monday and hopefully I get it on Tuesday or Wednesday!!
I guess my Stake President tried to get more information about where I was called to but they wouldn't tell him.
So here I am knowing I go into the MTC in 38 days yet I have no idea where I'm going! Yes I'm going a little crazy about it!! But nonetheless, I'm 100% thrilled that 2014 will be my year to be on my mission!!!
Still a crazy thought to me.
Well this week I will post my call & a video of me sobbing while reading it. :)

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