Monday, September 26, 2011

Best Weekend Yet

After all my anxiety attacks. Well we had our cleaning check. WE PASSED!!! Woot! Best feeling ever by far. Don't worry it was the best moment when Gaetana sent everyone a text saying, "WE PASSED!!"
My sleep cycle is sooo off. Haha. But honestly it's so worth it right now.
I've had one of the best weekends yet.
We had our Krispy Kreme run right? Found out it's open 24/7.
Chilled out with Nicole in the apartment. Watched the BYU game. Then 'Say Yes To The Dress'. Saturday I had to work at the All Women Want Expo. It was a long day. But I got the cutest wallet ever! :) When I got home, Nicole & I hung out with some friends. :) Apartment 7 plus some. We really like being around apartment 7. Don't worry they are super fun guys to be around.
Well we went to In N' Out. Went to that cool park with the intense swings by the round-a-bout in Orem. I didn't get to bed till 4am. Ouch. Yeah I know right?
I even had a meeting that morning at 11:30.
Later Sunday night we pretty much had a party. :D
We watched Tangled. & colored in coloring books! Legit. ♥
&& can't for the best part. massage train. Woot! Woot!
Apartment #28 ♥
L to R: Gaetana, Rachel, Chris, Nicole, Miguel, Me
I really miss Provo though. So. Home. Sick.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trying to Manage

This last week I've learned that I'm not as good as managing stress as well as I thought. Bummer. I tought was doing super good at handling stress. I keep having really bad anxiety attacks. i have to take some supplements in order to keep them under control. They keep getting super bad. Today when I started to run behind and realized that I would be late for class I started to have one (I hadn't taken my supplements yet).
Pretty much that's all I've been up to. Plus homework.
Oh and we have our first cleaning check tomorrow. I need to go home and clean. Probably wont happen. The supplements give me head aches. They are pretty rough. I can't think straight when I have them. The bestg ay is just to sleep when Ihave them.
My sleep cycle is bad. Ugh. Gosh dang it! But yesterday was probably the best day ever.
Did some homework, hung out with some people in the apartment building, went to Denny's at 11:30 at night, had one of my friends give my roommate a blessing. :)
I hope the weekend with be good. I have work on Saturday. I have to run my brother around tomorrow. Haha.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 3

Wow. Crazy to think I've finally finished week THREE! I think it's going by pretty fast. I don't mind. I just don't want finals to show up out of no where. Haha.
What happened this week? Mmm
Institute was really good. Clarke left the MTC & now in Canada. That was super sad day.
I thought I vaccumed up my class ring. That was horrible!! In general Wednesday sucked a lot. Trust em.
Thursday was much better. I had a blast at the Stake Singles Ward Luau. With two of my roommates.
Gaetana, Rachel & I.
I have a roommate for the weekend. :) I'm fish sitting Nicole (one of my roommates) Beta fish! I'm pretty excited about that.
Tomorrow is the BYU vs Utah game. I'm going with Gunner. For those of you don't know the story of Gunner & I. We went to school together 2nd-5th grade. & he is the reason I love BYU. He was in love.. still is in love with Utah. I never wanted to like the same thing he did. So BYU was the answer. Haha Thank you Gunner for helping me select the RIGHT school to like! :) Haha. Funny how certain things in life will affect you for forever.
I have lots of homework this weekend. Plus munch & mingle on Sunday. I hope I can pull everything off. Gosh dang it. So much to do. Not enough time.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 2

It's the end of week two. I really think that I can handle this. It's not half as bad as I thought it would be. Next semester for sure I'm not having an eight o'clock class though. Nine isn't bad at all. Soo I'm for sure going for a nine class. You will all be proud to know that I finally bought some UVU shirts. Yes it's true.
I do not own a green shirt till TODAY!
I'm very proud of myself. Yes it took me 30 minutes to actually pick one out & buy it. But I finally did it!! Woot!
This week was a great week with my roommates. We had tons of laughs. I think we are all starting to actually starting to be FRIENDS. Not just girls we are living with. We have quotes going up. & I even went to Walmart with Janet and Gaetana. We had a blast!! Then Nicole, Rachel & myself watched Bride Wars. I love this movie! Haha so funny.
It's Friday night. I'm chilling out in my apartment by myself. I suggest you all go to RedBox rent 'How do you know'. It's a super good movie! I loved it. I laughed a lot. Well have a wonderful weekend. If something super exciting happens I'll let you know.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

UVU Guys

Of course I can't go one post without saying how much I love UVU guys. :)
What can I say? I'm a girl. It happens. Haha.
Honestly no matter where you are in this school you will be able to have at least 5+ attractive guys walk past you. Yes it is sometimes really hard to pay attention while sitting in certain parts of the school. Let me tell you how nice it is though. You walk around and an attractive guy smiles at you. It just makes everything a hundred times better.
The best part, it's not BYU guys. Which means they aren't rushing into marriage. There for you can talk to them without having to worry that all they want to do is hurry & date you so that they can pop the question on the 3rd date.
Of course you can't forget when they are in your classes. Haha. When you don't want to show up to class there is your motivation. "Well maybe this will be the day the cute guy in my English class with talk to me." Don't worry he did on Wednesday! I was super excited that I went to class.
Then you have that class that all you do is talk to the two guys on the back row. Yup. That's my psychology class. I'm pretty sure I've never said a word to any girl in that class.
Have you ever had one of those days where you are on a man strike yet, the big man upstairs wont allow that? Yup. Yesterday. :) It seemed that all I talk to yesterday were guys. & it was because they all started a conversation with me first. I've decided not to go out of my way just for a little bit of time. I'm just don't in the mood to reach out. Don't worry it will change when I get bored.
Over all UVU guys. Thank you for coming to your classes. & sticking around so I can see you. I can say most of us girls really do appreciate it. Haha

Monday, September 5, 2011

Singles Ward

Let me just tell you this was my very first time going to a singles ward. My great bishop let me chill out in the family ward this summer. My ward is sooo small. I'm not a very big fan that it is either. Well let's see.
I want to go back to my home ward. & RS was good. We had a wondeful lesson 'Of things that matter most" by President Uchtdorf. (He's my favorite!! ) :)
Ward pray was pretty funny though. I did enjoy that a lot. Tons of laughs. I think I'm the youngest one in the Singles Ward. So that makes things a little more awkward for me.
Maybe as the weeks go on it wont be as bad. *Crossing Fingers*
Today is great thank you Labor Day. I get a break from my classes today. I need to go shopping & do laundry though. Mmmhmm

Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 1

It's finally Friday!!! Yes.
I never thought that I would make it to the end of my first week in college. But I have. Thank you all for your wonderful support. I would of never made it to Friday if I didn't have the love of my friends & family. College is so stressful by itself, not having someone root for you to keep you going would be just horrible.
My classes are alright.
ASL I've decided to have a different look on it. Hopefully like it a little bit more. We will see. I decided that Thursday, and my classes wasn't as bad as the first 3 days.
Psychology... Haha Thursday these two guys and I just made fun of the class the whole time. My class tends to just talk about drugs the whole time. It's super annoying when you could careless. So we had some good laughs in the back. I played Pac Man. :)
I'm considering trying to test out of math. It's a joke. I know I'm not the best at math. But i can do the homework like the back of my hand. Sigh...
English: my teach loves me. It's super funny. Because I hated him the first day or two of class. But now that I can talk about the material. It's way easy.
I really like my roommate Nicole. We get along really well. & We see on the same page. I'm glad I can relate to her. It will be nice not to hide in my room now. :)
Ugh.. I can't build a stupid shelf. I haven't even finished it. I just need to to be done so I can put my dishes away.
I have lived to tell the tale of my first week.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Moved in

Yes it is true. I'm all moved into my apartment. I've seen all my roommates.Ha.
Don't worry you have read that right. Seen. I have 4 roommates. Hopefully we will have fun. I have no clue if we will. I like Rachel. I'm gonna like her I can tell. She came running into the apartment. "AAAHH!! IS SHE HERE?? WE HAVE A NEW ROOMMATE??" The next moment she was knocking on my door. I thought she was going to pass out because I was there. Haha.
I thought I hated English but yesterday I was raising my hand giving TONS of input! we were talking about social writing. Of course I have a good opinion because I have 2 blogs, FB, twitter. Dr. Hilst was loving all my imput. "Yes Aubrey?" "I love Aubrey's point" "Going back to what Aubrey said," Yup I felt like a nerd for those 50 minutes. But I'm glad I don't hate English. Because I've always loved English. Mrs. Jonas/Ms. Parker totally ruined it for me though. Freshman year.....
P.S. I got a skype account.
FB if you have one. :)
P.S. I stayed up till 1 on the phone with HP because my computer was freakin' out. I thought I was going to die. But it's okay I have 2 hours in between classes today so I got to do my English homework that is due @ noon.
Alright I'm off to go by a backpack from the bookstore. Kill me. I hate that line.