Sunday, October 16, 2011

Growing up.

College is all about growing up right? Yeah I agree. Even though sometimes people don't really grow up.
Once you make it to college I believe that life becomes more confusing. Honestly I've never been so confused in my life. Do I really want to go down that life career? What classes do I want to take next semester? What job do I want to be in while I'm at school? Why are guys so confusing? That one seems to be really on my mind. Haha. Do I want to get into a serious relationship this year? Get married while I'm in college? Should I complete my degree then get married? Should I move out of state and finish everything out of state to get a different out take on life?
Those are the questions that wonder in my mind everyday. Not to mention my classes. What homework I have.
Welcome to college I guess. Sometimes growing up is completely weird to me. Does everyone go through this? I feel like I'm the only one that thinks about this.
Anyways when I figure out my mind I'll let you know.
Life is crazy it's mid terms. Tons of projects. I'll probably post my English Project on here when it's finished. I'm hopefully going to start up dancing at the UVU club on Tuesdays. I think that will help me out a lot. Dance is how I express myself.


  1. Everyone goes through it. Just take Dan in Real Life's advice and Plan to be surprised! I didn't think I'd get married in college. I planned to be graduated and living back east. Didn't end up that way. And it never gets any easier really - so just embrace the change :)

  2. Jane Anne, you are so the person I needed to hear from! :) This totally made my day so much better. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm glad i'm not the only person. Ugh. Life is so crazy...

  3. Aubrey I love reading about your life because it just reminds me of mine. I remember how hard all those decisions were/are. I think President Hinckley called the time you and I are in the decade of decisions, and he was totally right! I went through a lot of that and then more when I started seriously dating. Seesh. Decisions are hard. Good luck! You'll be great with whatever you decide!
