Alright, I know it's been forever. But it's seriously been so crazy. I'm still taking 18 credits & on top of that I have a new job!
Yes, you've heard me right. I have a job at Sonic. Of course I wear roller stakes. Hahah. It's fun minus the blisters I get on my feet. It makes work a lot harder.
I'm always tired. Always. Try to study a lot. I can't wait for finals to be over this week.
What else? Hmm... I move out of my apartment this month and move into this new place I'm super super excited for it. It's got a washer and dryer. Which is perfect. Anyways, just wanted everyone to know I'm still alive and that I always want to blog but don't really have time to.
&&& by the way I have a couple friends coming home from their missions this summer. I'm pumped. June come fast.
18 credits is a huge accomplishment. Congrats!