Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another bump in the road

I could find a thousand quotes about patiences. But only thing that makes it better is when you make it to the finish line and everything was worth it.
But don't worry I'm gonna give you a couple quotes for the fun of it all.

  • Some things take time
  • Patience is not the ability to wait but how you act while you're waiting
  • If something is not happening for you it doesn't mean it's never going to happen it means you're not ready for it
  • The hardest tests in life is the patience to wait for the right moment
  • Faith in God includes faith in His timing- Neal A. Maxwell
Do ya'll get the idea? I get the idea but we all know things take time to work out in the right way. And yes, I'm so dang impatience. Filling out mission papers you have to have a lot of patiences. That's for sure.
Before I started my papers earlier this month I went and got shots. Well comes to find out at my doctors appointment today I found out I didn't get the most important shot! This shot isn't some normal shot (I can't remember the name) but you have to after 48 hours go get looked at after you get this shot. Well it's Thursday and no place is open on Saturday which means I can't have my papers finished by this weekend. Which is what I was really hoping for. Most of you are probably thinking I'm crazy because this isn't a live or die situation. But here's the thing... Every moment of the day I'm always thinking of my mission. Where am I going? I can't even count how many dreams, daydreams I have and I go to a different place each time. Or my big fear that I won't be able to say where I'm going. (ha). Will I learn a language? When will I leave? Will I just love the people so much? What kind of place it is? When can I wear dresses and skirts all the time? When can I get my nametag?
When you want something sooo bad anything that gets in the way is just a horrible thing. Seriously though.
Lucky for me I know this so much. And of course just need to remember it at all moments... I'm praying to have my call by next month.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Starting the process

Well as of Sunday I have started my mission papers. After talking with my Bishop, him and everyone else has said to be aware that Satan will try and make it so that I won't be able to serve a mission. He is very smart at what he does, and from just a couple days into the week and I can say that Satan doesn't waste his time at attacking your weaknesses. But guess what Satan? Aside from the fact I decided on Monday you are a douche and I don't like you at all when you are trying to make me feel bad. It's not going to happen. Because I know in my HEART & MIND that I want to serve a mission.
Like I said in a previous post that Tuesday is one of my longest days at  school. I was there from 8:30am-9pm. I took a nap in the LDS Institute building. When I finally woke up an Institute teacher came up to me... It was seriously just what I needed. We had a nice short chat but in that chat I was able to tell him some key moments of my life. This amazing man was sent to me to tell me what  I really needed to hear yesterday. As simple as the phrase is, "You are here this semester for a reason" it really did get to me. Because as I've been preparing I've been so frustrated with myself for not already having my call and serving the Lord. 
I really want to be wearing that name tag that says I am here to represent the Savior Jesus Christ and to tell you what I believe. I want people all around this world to know of this beautiful gospel that I love so much and to be able to join it if they choose to. 
I can honestly say to you at this current moment that I am so blessed the Lord does bless those of you who are trying. I can't wait for everything to fall into place. Yet I know I'm still going to be challenged but I know that if I keep focus on my goal that I will be able to get there. 
"You cannot run away from a weakness. You must sometimes fight it out or perish, and if that be so, why not now and where you stand." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Yes we are coming. And it is a wonderful thing to happen. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

School 4 days a week.

Well folks, the new semester has begun. I can't even believe that I am in my 4th semester of college. It feels like just yesterday I was in high school going to football games, skipping classes, getting in trouble. Now I'm trying to make sure that I eat, sleep, and making it to work on time. I'm growing up each day.
My classes this semester make it so that most my days are never the same. Monday & Wednesday I only have one class at 1pm. After that I gotta get to work. Tuesday and Thursdays are my crazy days.
I'm taking Book of Mormon at 9 in the morning. And on Tuesday nights I'm in mission prep. That's right, I'm still getting ready for it and trying to figure out when I should go. I have 4 official college classes. ASL 202G, ASL numbers, Language 3000, Math. 3/4 have ASL influence. Which will make for a really nice semester for me.
Well tons has happened in the last 3 weeks. But I keep telling myself that it is a New Year. Which is a reminder not to get down because anything can happen.
So here's to a New Year, a new me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Au Revior 2012

This year I put together a cute little jar where I put moments that I found as a blessing this past year. 
Right before I came out to Arizona I read them. I was reminded of the amazing things that have happened. I have the most amazing life anyone could ask for. 
I'm gonna do a quick recap of the year. 
  • Finished my hardest semester of college yet. 
  • Worked at Sonic Drive-In
  • Moved into a duplex with some amazing girls <3
    • DahLynn, Lynsey, Sydney
  • Went on my first airplane ride to WA <3 such an amazing week 
  • Worked with Edna. She's had some amazing advice for me
  • Finished the Book of Mormon for the very first time ever!!! :)
  • Gave up Italy to go on a mission (which I will still be doing).
  • Went to my friends mission farewalls
  • Meet Parachute!!!!!!! 
  • Became a Jazz fan
  • Went to S.D. for Bryson & Sam's wedding
  • Arizona for Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year's
  • Got a job at Super Sonic CarWash
  • Completed the challenge my Bishop gave the ward
    • Have a missionary moment
    • Take family names to the temple
    • Finish the BOM before the end of the year
Now to figure out my New Years Resolutions. 
 First and for most...
  1. I want to read the Book of Mormon again
  2. I'm currently reading the N.T. 
  3. Study Preach My Gospel 
  4. Apply for my mission
I think that four is a really good amount of things I should be able to work towards. Because they aren't things that I can just do over a couple of days. 
Happy New Year!!! Here we go 2013. I'm looking forward to you very much.