Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Being a Mormon

I am 19 years old.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Those two things right there have a long of meaning. Why you might wonder? Well when you are a member of my church we tend at the age of 19 send our young men out on missions. Well I've grown up in Utah my whole life. Utah is a large base for members of the 'Mormon' Church. (Disclaimer-our official name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We also respond to LDS or Mormon). If you have more questions go to Mormon.org  or  LDS.org
Anyways back to my point.
Well for years I've been going to mission farewells. This is where the young men give a talk and we get to say our final goodbyes for 2 years. These young men (& women) get called to go all over the world. It's not always easy to say goodbye to these people because they can be your brother, best friend, boyfriend, friend, etc.
I've had my fair share of farewells & I have my fair share of Elders I'm writing.
The time has come where it is true... We only have one more friend to send off. The last 2 farewells that happened this weekend were really really hard for me. In the last few months they have been the guys I've gone to dances with. Or the ones that were always there for me in High School.

This is what is left of us. Today we said our goodbyes to Elder Preston Hale & Elder Matt(y) (Cakes) Woodruff. 
This is my whole group. At the first farewell. Elder Hopkins farewell. 

I'm so blessed to have these people in my life showing me the example that anyone if they put their heart and mind into it can serve the Lord and teach his children about our religion.
Even though we've gotten so small compared to our first farewell we love the guys so much.
Yes of course we miss them. But we write them and we talk to each other to make it seem like it doesn't drag out as much as it really does. I'm really gonna miss these guys, they always knew how to make me laugh. 2 straight days I've been crying.
I love you all and I'll "SEE  YOU IN 2!!"
Elder Palmer-California
Elder Haggard -Benin
Elder Woodruff-Brazil
Elder Hopkins-Ghana
Elder Hales-Germany