Ouch. It's is so painful to be at this point in the semester. I wish that I could just get an A on all my exams and not have to study so much. I've been non-stop studying. I took my two intense midterms yesterday.
My brain hurt so bad after I had finished my American Heritage one. Gosh. You think your Professors would go easy on you. Haha. Of course not.
Well I survived. Barely. But I did. :) Let's just hope I got a good grade on them. Other than that College has it's up & downs that's for sure. Some days are hard to face and others make it seems like you can take on the world. Like I did yesterday. Anyways I really do enjoy sleeping. It's heavenly when you have a head ache.
Anyways... When I actually have time I just spend it on HULU. It's the bestest. That's for sure.
Well have a wonderful Friday. Enjoy the sun shine.