Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011 :)

I know that everyone has been celebrating Halloween since Friday. But today is the official day! Woot!
I'm really excited for tonight. I'm going to the Haunted Forest with Annie, Bryson, DahLynn! It's going to be such a party. I'm totally freaked out though. Ugh. I get scared so easy. This will be interesting for sure. I'll let you know how much I scream. Lol. Well Nicole and I are/were cowgirls. So stinkin' cute!
Some people dressed up at school. Pure enjoyment of seeing random people dressed up. Haha. It's so different then elementary school(all for fun), jr high (the contest) high school (you can be the biggest slut and not get kicked out of school), college (whatever you want).
Happy Halloween! Enjoy what you do, be safe.
I love you Uncle Joey! It's been 19 years since you pasted away. I know you've been watching over me even a month before I came to Earth. 30 days after you passed on I came to this Earth.
Eagles-Desperado. Your favorite.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I just want to take this time to Congrats Zack on his mission call to Kampala, Uganda mission.
So crazy!! :) He leaves April 19Th 2012. Last night was a crazy party. I was dying in my classes knowing that it was coming and I wanted to know where he would be going.
Everyone was crying completely silent after he announced where he would be going. Totally in shock that he really will be leaving.
He walked in to his house... We were matching... He even agreed to take a picture of us matching. I was totally bummed that we match though. Haha.
Haha now it's funny. Congrats Zack! Can't wait to hear all your stories!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Out of State?

The past few weeks, I can't shake this one thought that I have. Unfortunate for me, the thought is becoming much stronger. First it came out as an idea. That I laughed at. How could I ever leave my family. I come home pretty much every weekend.
Now it has become a bigger thought. As I was heading on to BYU campus tonight to play volleyball with my second family. I realized BYU is not the place for me at all. I thought I would transfer there after UVU to get my masters right?
I dk though. I just have the strongest feeling that I need to finish up my schooling out of state. I don't know why or when or WHERE. But the big man upstairs is putting it into my thoughts. So I'm going to think about it more, pray, research. Maybe get some answers. I'm not a hundred percent sure of what is to come. But there is one school that kept coming up tonight as I did a little research. Stanford. That's not a for sure though. It's a thought. That I will pray a lot about.
Who knows maybe God is just preparing me for when I get married and my husband needs to go to school out of state. Or I'll meet him out of state.
Gosh dang it. More questions to think about
Isn't that so big?? Where do I even start to think about. Cali, WA, Wis, CT, FL, DC

Friday, October 21, 2011

One lucky girl

I love my roommates. I love hanging out with them. I love the jokes we have. :)

Look at how cute we are! :) haha
I know right? These girls are great, they deal with me when I come screaming into the apartment because of excitement ;) they help me out with my church calling, they listen to my stories and get excited with me! Gosh, I'm so glad I got to meet these girls & I live with them. It's going to be really hard to say bye to Rachel (Back right) when she leaves on her mission to Oklahoma, Oklahoma City.
Nicole and I are total buddies. We do so much together!! We even match a lot of the time. Haha be jealous. Very jealous. We are actually going to be cowgirls for Halloween. It's going to be so much fun.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Growing up.

College is all about growing up right? Yeah I agree. Even though sometimes people don't really grow up.
Once you make it to college I believe that life becomes more confusing. Honestly I've never been so confused in my life. Do I really want to go down that life career? What classes do I want to take next semester? What job do I want to be in while I'm at school? Why are guys so confusing? That one seems to be really on my mind. Haha. Do I want to get into a serious relationship this year? Get married while I'm in college? Should I complete my degree then get married? Should I move out of state and finish everything out of state to get a different out take on life?
Those are the questions that wonder in my mind everyday. Not to mention my classes. What homework I have.
Welcome to college I guess. Sometimes growing up is completely weird to me. Does everyone go through this? I feel like I'm the only one that thinks about this.
Anyways when I figure out my mind I'll let you know.
Life is crazy it's mid terms. Tons of projects. I'll probably post my English Project on here when it's finished. I'm hopefully going to start up dancing at the UVU club on Tuesdays. I think that will help me out a lot. Dance is how I express myself.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sleep Deprived

I miss those days that I use to get tons of sleep. I thought in high school I wasn't getting a good amount of sleep. But college is by far worse. I've never missed my sleep so much in my life.
Wednesday & Thursday I went to bed early. Best feeling ever when I walk up for my early classes. But I can't get rid of my head aches for the life of me. I'm going on to day three. It's killer. Stinkin' headaches. I hate you so much. I wish you would go away so that I can enjoy my life. But no, you won't. Boo.

I'm so happy it's the weekend. I really don't wan the weekend to end. But I know it will. Gosh dang it. Hopefully, I can really have a good long weekend. ♥ I'm hoping for it. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. I can't wait to wear my new pencil skirt on Sunday! Woot! Let's hope that I look hot in it. Maybe I can can someone down on their knees. Or knee. ;) haha. Don't think it will happen but we will see.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


FYI: This post is not 100% a happy post.
I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll just start with what is first on my mind.
If you know me, you know that I have a second family. They are from my home ward.
They've been a wonderful family to me.
Gord has been a great dad to me, since I don't have the strongest relationship with my dad. Well he had a stroke on Monday. It's just been crazy since then. It sucks living in Orem without a car. I feel like I can't help at all!
What else has happened?
General Conference was amazing. Simply Amazing. Tons of questions were answered but at the same time more just come everyday.
Why are guys sooo confusing? I need a man dictionary like every time something happens.
I wish that I could just know what to do. & if I did certain things that I would know that outcome. It would make everything so much easier in my life. Knowing or not who to date, who to chase after, how to get where I want to get. You know all the long term questions you ask yourself when you left your mind wonder to far. Ha.
He lives to grant me rich supply,
He lives to guide me with His eye,
He lives to comfort me when faint,
He lives to hear my soul's complaint.
He lives to silence all my fears,
He lives to wipe away my tears
He lives to calm my troubled heart,
He lives all blessings to impart.
For 3 solid days I Know That My Redeemer Lives has been playing on my computer. It brings me so much peace right now.